Structured accelerated learning is a key feature of the Broadhurst School curriculum. Children have lessons in Phonics and Maths daily, followed by focus activities completed with one to one support from their teacher or teaching assistant.

Preparation for the 4+ assessments is paramount and we have a bespoke programme. In addition to academic prowess, children develop societal skills including resilience, curiosity, respect, empathy and independence. Every child has the best possible chance in these assessments and we have a long established success rate with our destination schools.

Independent learning is part of the school day and children thrive in this opportunity to complete a challenge all by themselves! Activities support children to try new things and experience success in their own achievements.

Free learning strengthens children’s social development and wellbeing as children collaborate in a range of contexts including role play, construction, creativity and design, small world imaginative play, science investigation and more.

Core curriculum subjects are:
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Understand the World
Art and Design

Curriculum Enrichment includes:
Cultural Studies

Trips and Visitors are a highlight in the school calendar. Experiences may include:
Farm animals visit
Pond dipping at Hampstead Heath
Theatre production visit
Perform Drama Workshop
Hatching eggs
Waitrose ‘Behind the Scenes’ experience
Visit to the Fire Station